This scholarship will award $4,000 to one or possibly two seniors planning to attend a four-year college or university. Selection will be made considering significant academic progress from their freshman year to their senior year. Applicants should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 during the first semester of their senior year and have demonstrated a broad range of extracurricular involvement. Students with a legitimate financial need will be given priority. This application should also include a one page hand written summary detailing the student’s desire to attend a college or university and how Kearney Catholic High School has prepared them for post secondary education.
This scholarship will award $1,000 to a graduating senior planning to attend a four year, private/parochial college or university. The purpose of this scholarship is to challenge KCHS graduating seniors in their educational perspective in a faith based setting.
The purpose of the Robin and Judy Marshall Scholarship is to impact the life of one Kearney Catholic High School graduate senior each year with a significant scholarship to assist in their continuing education at a four year college or university of their choice. The $2,000 tuition scholarship will be paid directly to the four year college or university of the recipient’s choice at the beginning of the second semester of college. The college student must be full-time.
The recipient must have a 3.5 grade point average and will be selected on the criteria of progress, perseverance, determination and dedication. The recipient should have demonstrated a broad range of extra curricular involvement and leadership during their high school years. Students with a legitimate financial need will be given some priority. No member of the Marshall family is eligible to receive the scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded without regard to race, creed, and physical limitations. Interested students must submit a Robin and Judy Marshall Scholarship application and application requirements as listed.
This scholarship was established by the Kearney Catholic Activities Association to memorialize the life of Steve Calleroz by recognizing outstanding Kearney Catholic students with a $500 scholarship to further their education at a four year college or university. Special consideration will be given to students who participated in activities surrounding the curriculum at Kearney Catholic High School.
This scholarship will award $500 to a senior planning to attend the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and cannot receive more than 3 other scholarships to be eligible.
This $250 scholarship was created to memorialize the life of Mike Fleshman and his involvement and belief in the Knights of Columbus. The Mike Fleshman Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a High School graduating senior dependent of a current or deceased Knight in good standing who plans to enroll in a four year college or university in the fall term immediately following their graduation.
This $250 scholarship was created by Angie's parents to recognize the graduating students at Kearney Catholic High School who exemplify the sportsmanship attitude that Angie Hauserman demonstrates for the students at Kearney Catholic. The scholarship will begin awarding a graduating male and female member of the KCHS Senior Class who both demonstrate a good fan - or supporting team member - attitude. Interested students will complete the Angie Hauserman Scholarship application on time to become eligible for the award.
The Sharon Franzen Memorial Scholarship was created by Mrs. Franzen’s loving husband in her honor and dedication to her number of years teaching and as a Counselor in the Omaha Public School System. This scholarship will award $1,000 to a KCHS senior who plans to attend the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Criteria will include participation in extra curricular activities while being dedicated to their high school curriculum as well as a financial need.
The Zaruba Family Scholarship was created in honor of Gary and Mary Zaruba and their belief in education. A Kearney Catholic High School senior will be chosen annually to receive the $500 college scholarship based on the information provided on the scholarship application and their financial need. The recipient must be a full-time art or education major attending a Nebraska college or university and must complete the Zaruba Family Scholarship application by the deadline.
This scholarship was created in loving memory of Hanny Essam Arram and Alia Joy Arram by the Arram Family Foundation. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a KCHS graduating senior who plans on attending a 4-year college, university or community college in the fall immediately following their graduation. It will be paid directly to the educational institution of the recipient’s choice at the beginning of the second semester of college as long as they are a full time student. Criteria for selection is as follows: applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, have participated in extra-curricular activities as well as community involvement, and has experienced a hardship or tragedy during their life. The recipient will be chosen based on their attitude, perseverance, determination and passion as displayed in their scholarship application that includes a two page summary and questionnaire.
The scholarship will be presented in the amount of $500 and will be awarded to a KCHS graduating senior in good standing based on the Attitude Attitude Attitude Scholarship Application information and essay describing how your attitude choices have influenced and shaped your life and how these attitude choices have impacted your plans for the future.
To memorialize the life of LouAnn Lowe and her experitse in the Pharmacy Industry by recognizing outstanding female students with a $500 scholarship to further their education in the sciences who are pursuing a Pharmacy Degree.
Father Don O’Brien cared a lot about Kearney Catholic and its students. When he was no longer driving, he sold his car and generously used the money to help furnish the KCHS chapel. Fr. Don O’Brien created this $500 scholarship to aid a graduating senior wishing to pursue further education.
Sometimes the high school experience itself is a journey of growth and self discovery. Sometimes academics do not come easy, and study habits are developed over time making it difficult to end with a GPA that earns large institutional scholarships. Sometimes family income levels prevent a student from qualifying for financial aid and yet a family may struggle to afford the cost of higher education. The Hydes want to recognize a student that has taken advantage of the opportunities for development that KCHS has to offer and lighten the financial burden of pursuing higher education by providing this $1,000 scholarship.
Like St. Francis of Assisi said, “It is in giving we receive.” This $500 scholarship was created to recognize a graduating senior for contributing to their community and family through work (whether paid or unpaid) and his/her ability to recognize the impact of giving. Both giving and receiving can be impactful, and are significant components of demonstrating Kearney Catholic’s mission in action. Priority will be given to a student who can demonstrate impact on their family or community by modeling the work of Saint Francis.
To enhance the quality of education at Kearney Catholic High School by providing ongoing financial support.